Alan Hagger
Amesbury Town Councillor
Alan grew up in South London before moving to Winchester in 1990. Alan's father flew Lancasters as an RAF Navigator and his mother was of Indian origin, but came to London before the war where she served in ATS. Alan's heritage gives him his love of cooking Indian food. Alan has been working to support people spanning his 50 year career. Alan started as a residential social worker with deaf children, then working with children with learning disabilities. Ultimately he became Director of Commissioning at Hampshire Social Care and then Head of Strategic Commissioning for Hampshire Police.
Now living in Amesbury and semi-retired, Alan has time to step up and fight for his local community. Living in Bugdens Close, Alan and his partner have 6 children between them, 4 grandchildren, 2 dogs- an aging golden retriever and a silly sausage dog and two cats.
Alan was recently elected in a by-election and is now a town councillor for Amesbury west taking 64% of the vote in a previously safe Conservative area.
For far too long, Amesbury residents have been ignored and Alan is determined that this will not continue.